Why Did I (not learn )Code?

Why Am I Here?

I am here purely because I can be. Coding has been something I have dabbled in over the years, to much sadness, which has caused pain, tears, anger and brief moments of happiness - only when a certain project works. The years that I have spent coding have literally taken decades from my life, to the point where even my teachers suggested that I should return to the basics, so, print "Hello Everyone" for my arrival!

What are my skills?

Simply put, my skills are cooking, writing and reading. At no point in my life have I ever possessed the ability to code, or to learn. Sure, my father codes a lot, its his job and sure, I have been given books, lessons, videos and more to learn. But it just does not go in. Me learning to code is like trying to explain something to an alien, I just don't get it - honestly so annoying.

Sure, I could try and learn harder, actively code in lessons and watch videos, such as my friends, who can all code video games, Pokemon things and proper programs, whereas I can just about get a program to tell me prime numbers, honestly so awkward. Earlier on in my eager, ready coding path I used to go to a club, however, I get the feeling I only went for the cookies - not the internet kind! This set me up to fail, as when it came to actually working, I had to rely on the club leader - or my clever friends - to complete the work for me, allowing me to devour a whole box of cookies, not my proudest moments of glory.

What have I actually done?

As for my actual projects, what extends outside the classroom was very minimal, and is still the case now. I cannot even get PyCharm to open on my laptop, let alone use it to create mad mastermind projects for the thrill of it. My GCSE Coursework was difficult enough, and now learning HTML, Java and CSS for IT? What else do I need - HRT5? I have only ever really used and understood Python and that language, however, even now I still struggle with the certain topics and commands. But, on the other hand, I have the knowledge and the ability to learn on the side, which is obviously the most crucial part of being a programmer, side hustles

What are my plans for being here?

On the whole, my point of being here was to learn and get better at coding, as well as understand what other people do without becoming too jealous or starting to despise how little I actually know about the wonders of code. As for the plans, I shall stick around and see what I can learn. I know the basics and more, and hey, if I can speak French I can certainly write a program to calculate the area of a triangle.

Wish me luck!